A downloadable fangame

Plok 3D was a prototype I created over a weekend in September of 2022. I'm a huge fan of Plok (one of my personal top 3 SNES games) and making my own sequel to the cult classic has been a joke among my friend group since I started my game development journey. I always found it disappointing that the world of Akrillic would most likely stay limited to a single game.

One day I decided to let my imagination run free and put my ideas of what a hypothetical Plok game created during the advent of 3D platformers into playable form. Given that it was mostly just created for fun and within a 48-hour period, there wasn't much to the demo. Its main purpose was to demonstrate how Plok's basic mechanics (walking, jumping, throwing limbs) would work in a 3D space. Things I wanted to implement like power-ups and an actual boss battle were unfortunately left on the cutting room floor. I am happy with what came out of it though!

There is a demo build that I showed my friend group (had to deliver on that joke) but I'm not going to be distributing it. Aside from trying to respect the Pickford Brothers' IP (not 100% sure of their fangame stance), the demo is very barebones and has its fair share of bugs and glitches; some of which you can see in the video (remember, 48 hours). I unfortunately don't even have the source code for the demo; it died with my school laptop. This is fine to me, as if I were ever to return to this idea I'd start completely from scratch anyway.

Even without a new title, Plok and his world still continue to inspire me and my projects, both past and future. This was a very fun idea to work on and it'll only help strengthen my original games in the future!

Special thanks to Zerox on the Hive Workshop forums for the amazing Plok model.
Also, go check out the Plok comics. Very cool stuff!